Hey, I'm Luis 👋

I'm a Software Developer and a Computer Science student at UCF, passionate about building games and cool software experiences. Currently, I'm involved in two research positions—one enhancing chip security at Silicon Assurance, and the other automating biological experiments with Argonne National Laboratory.

When I'm not coding, you can find me playing games like Kingdom Hearts, playing board games with my friends, or hanging out with my fellow engineers at Knight Hacks.


  • Programming:

    C++ C C# Java Python TypeScript Javascript Next.js Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS Tailwind CSS
  • Technologies:

    Unreal Engine OpenGL Unity Game Engine Jet Brains Rider Visual Studio Visual Studio Code Windows Linux React Svelte
  • Tools:

    Git GitHub Premake Figma Notion ROS Docker OpenCV Arduino RaspberryPi
  • Languages:
